Move With Grace offers a variety of options to help you achieve your dance objectives.  From competition training and ballroom movement workshops to wedding choreography and social dance lessons, Move With Grace can meet all your dance needs!

+ Competition Training

There is no more exhilarating feeling than dancing your heart out amid the glitz and glamour of a ballroom competition! Move With Grace will give you all the tips and tricks to stand out on the competitive dance floor and maybe even pull in a medal or two!

Move With Grace offers programs to prepare you and your partner for Pro or Am-Am competitions and programs to prepare you to compete with your instructor in Pro-Am competitions. Move With Grace specializes in American-Style Ballroom, though programs for International-Style Ballroom are also available.

For a list of Move With Grace Pro-Am competition results, please see the Pro-Am results page.

Competition training is $85 per person/couple for each 55-minute lesson.

+ Workshops

Whether you are a beginning, intermediate, or advanced dancer, there are many aspects of ballroom dance that take lots of time and instruction to be able to master. Move With Grace therefore offers workshops and intensives to allow students to delve more deeply into a single concept.

Some examples of workshops Move With Grace offers include:

  • Ballroom and Latin Club Dance intensives
  • Leading and following
  • Frame and styling
  • Spins and turns
  • Cuban motion and/or dance-specific movement
  • Dance, connection, and inter-personal communication

Move With Grace is also able to craft a workshop around your needs!

Workshop pricing varies based upon the number of participants and duration of the workshop. Please contact Move With Grace for a quote.

Descriptions and reviews of past Move With Grace workshops can be found on the Workshops page.

+ Private/Semi-Private Lessons

Move With Grace offers private and semi-private lessons at Triangle Dance Studios in Durham, Danceformation, Inc. in Cary, Loafers Beach Club in Raleigh, or a location of your preference.

Private Lessons
Private lessons are the most individualized and in-depth method of instruction Move With Grace offers. Because the student or couple is working one-on-one with the instructor, the instructor is able to provide individually-tailored instruction and recommendations designed to give the student or couple the maximum benefit for the 55-minute lesson. If you are looking to quickly improve your dancing, then private lessons may be for you!

Private lessons are $85 per person/couple for single lessons, $410 for a package of 5 lessons, $799 for a package of 10 lessons, or $1499 for a package of 20 lessons. Lessons are 55 minutes long.

Semi-Private Lessons
Semi-private lessons are designed to give students the benefit of more individualized instruction while also creating a fun social atmosphere. These lessons are intended for groups of 3-6 people. Semi-private lessons are the perfect fusion between group and private lessons, so grab a couple friends and give it a try!

Semi-private lessons are $85 for the first two people plus $10 per each additional person, up to 8 people, for each 55-minute lesson.

Are you looking for unique entertainment at your next holiday or corporate party? Move With Grace will host a party for you! A Let's Party! ballroom party includes DJ'ed music and a dance lesson in a style of your choice.

Party pricing varies based upon the number of participants and duration of the party. Please contact Move With Grace for a quote.

+ Group Classes

Group classes are vital to expanding your horizons whether you are a social or competitive dancer. Group classes provide opportunities to learn new dances and steps and to meet and dance with other people in the dancing community in a fun and lighthearted environment. For the social dancer, group classes are the first stepping stone on the way to success on the social dance floor. For the competitive dancer, group classes afford the opportunity to meet potential competitive partners, practice leading and following, and perfect technique in preparation for the next competition.

For a list and descriptions of current and upcoming group classes, including prices, please see the classes page. For the current group class schedule, please see the Move With Grace schedule.

+ Choreography

Wedding Dances
There are only a few moments in life when we are the center of attention. Standing in a reception hall surrounded by your family and friends, wouldn't you love to dazzle them with a beautiful song and romantic choreography? Move With Grace will work with you to choreograph the perfect dance for your wedding to your favorite song. Don't have a wedding song picked out? No problem! Move With Grace will work with you to choose your perfect wedding song as well.

Wedding choreography is $450 for 5 lessons, $850 for 10 lessons, or $1250 for 15 lessons. Lessons are 55 minutes in duration.

Corporate Choreography
Looking to make your next corporate video stand out from the rest? Move With Grace will work with you to create an innovative and entertaining choreography!

Pricing for corporate choreography varies depending upon the choreography requirements. Please contact Move With Grace for a quote.

+ Teacher Training

Being an effective dance instructor requires more than just knowledge of dance steps. Move With Grace can help you achieve your objective of becoming an effective instructor by refining your technique, increasing your understanding of the biomechanics of dancing, and providing guidance and feedback in instructional methods.

Teacher training is $95 per person for each 55-minute lesson.

In dancing, different people learn in different ways.  With this in mind, Move With Grace promotes active dialogue between the students and instructor to clearly define dancing objectives.  Through this dialogue, the instructor is able to provide a personalized recommendation as to how students can best achieve their goals.

To see the current Move With Grace schedule of classes, see the schedule page.

For questions or to request an initial meeting, please visit the contact page.